Saturday, 10 May 2014

'Skull Cracker' Michael Wheatley arrested outside Eastend Homes Offices in Mile End

A number of local residents might have wondered why we had a helicopter hovering over the area for so long on Wednesday afternoon.

The Police and the BBC have provided the answer (click the link to view the video) - and some of those living in Ennerdale House might recognise the view!

'Skull Cracker' Michael Wheatley was apprehended by the Metropolitan Police on Wednesday afternoon at the corner of Hamlets Way and Southern Grove - right outside the entrance to the Eastend Homes offices. This is also opposite the entrance to Tower Hamlets Cemetery ( top left in the video) and the school (latter not in the video).

It just goes to show that when we're notified that a escaped prisoner is on the run that they can turn up anywhere - including very near to your front door!

Incidentally, when a helicopter hovers overhead for a long time, it's generally the Police following somebody who has absconded or who they are trying to catch. The helicopter then directs police on the ground. As we all know the really fun ones (not!) are at night when the fugitive goes to ground in the cemetery and they have to get out the heat seeking technology!

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