Useful websites:
If you see a problem, use these sites to report it.- a website built by not-for-profit company MySociety.
- LoveCleanStreets the Keep Britain Tidy backed national version of a very successful initiative in LB lewisham has free iPhone and Windows Mobile Blackberry and Android Apps that feed this site.
Mile End Road is a very dangerous road and we've had a number of fatalities and serious accidents in this area affecting pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. It's also a total nightmare when we get gridlock as seems to happen more and more. Plus the increasing traffic affects the air quality of the area.
Highway 2012 - Mile End Road:
This stretch of road has frequent accidents and is DANGEROUS
MERA would like to see much improved traffic management of the stretch of road between Burdett Road traffic lights and Tesco Bow Road.
Transport for London - traffic managementMERA is NOT impressed with:
- the management of closures of the Blackwall Tunnel
- Met Police traffic management when the Traffic Police are not in charge
- Blackwall Tunnel Closure Farce - The FAQs
- Travel Chaos in and around Mile End this weekend!
- TfL Consultation on moving bus stop in Mile End Road
Mile End Road is part of Highway 2012 - the road running from Central London through the borough to the Olympic site. We're expecting a clean up but what we NEED is much more emphasis on better traffic management and safety measures to protect local residents.
Photos - Streets
Photos - Pavements
Police - Traffic Management
Traffic Police have regard for the health and safety of local residents when managing accident scenes. Our experience of their crime colleagues is that they don't have a clue!
We've since learned that the vehicle causing the obstruction and requiring pedestrians
to walk in the middle of the A11 was an unmarked vehicle belonged to the police.
Developer - Site traffic management
We have very serious concerns about the managament of site traffic on the Eric & treby Development site. These concerns have been reported to Tower Hamlets Planning and the Health & Safety Executive for London
- Telford Homes's Traffic Access Plan for Mile End
- Trucks reversing without a banksman
- Update on Eric & Treby Construction Traffic
- WHY the Eric & Treby Construction Management Plan was refused
- Eric & Treby Site Traffic "out of control"
Many residents want to live in an area which feels like a safe neighbourhood.
Pockets of the ward are badly affected by anti-social behaviour. We've also got drug dealers operating all over Mile End East - and we need to get rid of them.
Recent initiatives on the Eric & Treby Estate include the introduction of a Dispersal Zone, the use of ASBOs and the removal of small walls which provided a place for young men to sit and hang about and intimidate many of the local residents.
Mile End Residents Association works in partnership with the Safe Neighbourhood Team. We attend all SNT panel meetings and public meetings and keep the Police advised on concerns as they are identified to us.
Blog posts
We're monitoring the operation of the Dispersal Zone
- Tower Hamlets - Mile End East Safer Neighbourhoods Team
- Mile End Dispersal Zone aims to reduce anti-social behaviour
- How to report anti-social behaviour
- Anti-social behaviour: Two important meetings next week
We're fed up with the state of our streets and pavements.
We get rubbish littering the street and our green spaces, huge smelly waste bins cluttering up the pavements, hoardings for building sites which make it impossible to wheel a buggy and masses of filth associated with some of the low lifes who pass through this area late at night.
We want to enjoy an environment free of overflowing litter bins. Every time we see one we report it to Fix My Street because that produces a much faster result than reporting it direct to the Council
- Waste Management and Refuse Collection at Ennerdale House
- Veolia not emptying recycling bins
- Ennerdale Rufuse Mess due to Telford Homes & EastendHomes
Why have we got a huge number of late night take-aways and a nightclub licenced to operate in what is predominantly a residential area of families with young kids?
MERA is currently focused on preventing another Club E3 disaster lasting years and years and badly affecting the sleep of parents and small children?