This page relates to of the development on or near the Eric & Treby Estate and has four partsLarge developments are planned in the next five years for the Eric and Treby Estate, Southern Grove and the St Clements Hospital Site. MERA aims to prevent Mile End East becoming an OVERCROWDED ward with lots of infill developments, tower blocks and too little accessible green space for children.
- Details relating to Planning Permission and Planning Conditions and formal responses to consulatation
- Links (at the bottom of this page) to blog posts about different aspects of the development on the Eric & Treby Estate
- Links to blog posts about developments on the Southern Grove site
- Links to blog posts about developments on the St. Clements hospital site
Planning Applications
These are all the applications relating to the planning permission and planning conditions for the redevelopment of Eric & Treby Street Estate (including Brokesley Street) by EastendHomes / Telford Homes plc that we know about.CLICK THE REFERENCE NUMBER TO ACCESS THE APPLICATION
One click should access ALL planning applications relating to the Eric and Treby Estate, Mile End
Planning Permission
- PA/08/02239 Full Planning Permission - Regeneration of existing estate comprising the refurbishment of existing buildings, the demolition of 27 bedsits, two x one bed flats at 1-14 Brokesley Street, 106-128 Hamlets Way and 1-7 Burdett Road and the erection of buildings between 2 and 7 storeys (Consultation started October 2008) Decision Notice - REFUSED (9 October 2009)
- PA/09/2065 - Full Planning Permission - Regeneration of Eric and Treby Estate comprising the refurbishment of existing buildings, the demolition of 14 bed-sit units at 1-14 Brokesley Street and the erection of buildings between 1 and 7 storeys to provide 179 residential units Decision Notice - PERMITTED (22nd March 2010)
- Minutes of the meeting of the Strategic Development Committee on 15th December 2009
- PA/09/2066 - Conservation Area Consent - Demolition of 1-14 Brokesley Street (Associated with estate regeneration planning application - see reference PA/09/2065) PERMITTED
- PA/10/00895 - Approval of Details - Demolition of 1-14 Brokesley Street: confirmation construction contract now signed - re condition 2 (construction contract) of conservation area consent PA/09/2066 Decision Notice - PERMITTED (3 June 2010)
- PA/10/00992 - Listed Building Consent - Demolition of a 5 metre section of wall to the rear of 1 - 14 Brokesley Street to enable temporary access to the Brokesley Street site whilst redevelopment works are carried out. At the conclusion of the development works the wall will be reinstated. Decision Notice PERMITTED (12th July 2010) plus an Informative re protection to gate piers
- CONDITION 6 (London Underground Tunnels Site 10 ONLY) PA/10/00896 - Approval of Details - London Underground Tunnels - TfL confirms works to site will not affect the underground re condition 6 (London Underground Tunnels Site 10) of planning permission PA/09/2065 PERMITTED Decision Notice (28 May 2010)
- PA/10/00865 - Tree Works in Conservation Area - Reduction of Tree at rear of 648 Mile End Road and adjacent to Site 10 (1 Brokesley Street) in Conservation Area PERMITTED Decision Notice (1 June - 3 days prior to the end of the consultation period!!!)
- CONDITION 3 - Site Remediation - Desk top Research only (approval required in advance of development on EACH individual numbered area of site development and EACH numbered area of landscaping strategy) PA/10/01093 - Approval of Details PERMITTED in respect of desk top research for overall site; remaining conditions to be discharges on a site by site basis. Letter sent to Planning on 21.07.10. identifying important errors in the report of the desk-top research (ie failure to identify correct location of nineteenth century Ropery and Twine works)
- CONDITION 10a - New Build Material samples: PA/10/00720 - Approval of Details - PARTIAL DISCHARGE / PERMITTED re sites 12 and 14; brick for Site 10 permitted after choice revised request to vary the materials to be used for NEW BUILD at Site 10 (Brokesley Street), site 12 (Beckley House), site 14 (Ropery/Eric Street)
- CONDITION 6: CONDITION 6 (London Underground Tunnels - Whole Development/all sites) PERMITTED PRE-COMMENCEMENT requires scheme to satisfy TfL that works to site will not affect the underground PA/10/01541 - Approval of Details - TfL comments that they have cabling works in the area
- CONDITION 25 - Scheme to promote Site Ecology within timetable: PA/10/01121 - Approval of Details - PERMITTED See MERA Comments on Site Ecology Application. Again, given the omissions in the reports and the presence of bats in Brokesley Street, it was very evident that Site 10 has NOT been properly investigated. A subsequent bat and nesting bird survey was commissioned. Letter sent to Planning 2nd September 2010 concerning deficit in survey.
Planning Conditions - Approval of Details: REFUSED
- CONDITION 5 - Construction Management Plan: Required in advance of commencement of development. No works can start on site until this plan has been submitted/reviewed/consulted upon and approved. PA/10/704 - Submission of details Decision Notice - REFUSED (8 June 2010) Delegated Report on reasons for refusal
Planning Conditions - relating to delivery ONGOING
These are overarching conditions which apply throughout the development and the contract.
- CONDITION 13 - Provision of two community buildings. No more than 50% of the new residential units shall be occupied until the two approved community use buildings have been provided in accordance with the approved drawings. ONGOING
- CONDITION 14 - Construction Hours Building works must only be carried out between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturday. No works can be carried out on Sunday or Bank Holidays unless agreed by Council in writing. ONGOING
- CONDITION 15 - Piling and Impact Breaking Hours: Hammer driven piling and impact breaking only to be carried out between the hours of 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday only. Not allowed on Saturdays, Sunday or Bank Holidays unless agreed by Council in writing. ONGOING
- CONDITION 16: Lifetime Homes: All residential accommodation to be built to Joseph Rowntree Lifetime Homes Standards unless agreed otherwise with LBTH. This is controlling condition. (Note: Lifetime Homes Standards Design Criteria revised as from 5th July 2010)
ONGOING - CONDITION 17: Wheelchair accessible: At least 10% of all new build housing must be wheelchair accessible or easily adaptable for residents who are wheelchair users and retained permanently ONGOING
- CONDITION 19: Sustainable Homes: The new dwellings hereby approved shall be constructed to achieve a minimum of Code for Sustainable Home Level 3. ONGOING
- CONDITION 20: Surface Water Control - to be carried out in accordance with the detail specified in the approved Flood Risk Assessment ONGOING
- CONDITION 21: No extensions for dwellings on Site 10 - no extensions or outbuildings with planning permission ONGOING
- CONDITION 23: Ball court use restricted to 08.30am and 9.00pm every day ONGOING
- CONDITION 23: No windows in the east elevation of the approved building at site 14 unless it is of an obscure type and fixed closed. ONGOING
- CONDITION 23: No fencing, gates, or other means of enclosure shall be erected around new development sites or amenity areas ONGOING
Planning Conditions - Approval of Details required: ONGOING
All relate to planning permission dated 22nd March 2010, reference PA/09/2065 unless otherwise stated
- CONDITION 3 - Site Remediation - (approval required re proposals for site investigation; results of investigation to be produced and plan of remediation approved in advance of development on EACH individual numbered area of site development and EACH numbered area of landscaping strategy) PA/10/01093 - Approval of Details - Comments submitted; Breaches of Condition reported to Council - ONGOING - Desk research is only approval to date (but is wrong!)
- CONDITION 3 - Site Remediation (Site 14) - (results of investigation to be produced and plan of remediation approved in advance of development on EACH individual numbered area of site development and EACH numbered area of landscaping strategy) PA/10/01560 - Approval of Details re Site 14 ONLY ONGOING comments deadline 10th September 2010
- CONDITION 3 - Site Remediation (parts II, III, & IV for sites 1, 2A, 2B, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15 and All communal landscaped areas) PA/10/1979: Approval of details pursuant to Condition 3 (contamination) of Planning Permission ref. PA/09/2065 dated 22nd March 2010. ONGOING comments deadline 12 October 2010
- CONDITION 3 - Site Remediation (parts II, III & IV relating to sites 10 & 12) PA/10/1981: Approval of details pursuant to Condition 3 (contamination) of Planning Permission ref. PA/09/2065 dated 22nd March 2010. comments deadline ??? 2010 Comments submitted 13th October 2010 - ONGOING
- CONDITION 4 - Service and Delivery strategy: Required in advance of commencement of development. This relates to access, circulation and servicing arrangements. MERA made significant comments on this at the time of the original application - particularly in relation to the legality of access by emergency vehicles and refuse collection vehicles at the base of Ennerdale House given the proposed plan for development. PA/10/01352 - Approval of Details comments submitted by deadline 5th August 2010 - ONGOING
- CONDITION 5 - Construction Management Plan: Required in advance of commencement of development. No works can start on site until this plan has been submitted/reviewed/consulted upon and approved. PA/10/01572 - Approval of Details - Construction Management Plan (version 2) - Comments submitted prior to deadline 1st September; Breaches of Condition reported to Council - ONGOING
- CONDITION 8 - Refuse and recycling: Required prior to commencement of development (with exception of site preparation works and the digging of foundations). PA/10/00718 - Refuse and recycling for all NEW BUILD at Site 10 (Brokesley Street), site 12 (Beckley House), site 14 (Ropery/Eric Street) ONGOING + PA/10/01921 proposal for non-material amendment to revise wording to limit to "prior to commencement of development on each new build site" + PA/10/02464 Submission of details pursuant to discharge of condition 8 (refuse/recycling) of application dated 22/03/10, ref: PA/09/2065 (no deadline specified)
- CONDITION 9 - cycle parking for community / commercial use building: Submission of details pursuant to condition 9 of planning permission Deadline 5th November 2010
- CONDITION 10a - New Build Material samples: PA/10/02155 - Approval of Details - Approval of details pursuant to Conditon 10a (new build materials) relating to sites 1 (bottom of Ennerdale), 4 (Undercroft of Coniston), 7 (inbetween Wentworth Mews and Tabenacle) & 9 (next to pubb/oppositye old people's home) Deadline 15th November extended to 19th November 2010
- CONDITION 18a - Energy Efficiency: PA/10/01395 - Scheme detailing proposed energy efficiency measures required prior to commencement of development (with exception of site preparation works and the digging of foundations). This relates to the WHOLE site. This must include details of: energy improvements, renewable energy technology. It must also demonstrate no net increase in carbon emissions and detail communal energy systems for Sites 2A and 15. Approval of Details - Comments submitted by deadline 5th August 2010
- CONDITION 21 - Scheme for disposal of Foul & Surface Water: Prior to commencement of the development, with the exception of site investigation works and the digging of foundations PA/10/1159: - Approval of Details Comments submitted ONGOING + PA/10/02307 - Submission of details pursuant to condition 21 (scheme of foul and surface water drainage) in relation to all new build sites and open-space amenity areas. - Deadline 17th November 2010
- CONDITION 28 - Visibility splays: To ensure adequate sightlines are preserved in the interests of pedestrian and highway safety. Details to be provided and approved prior to the first occupation of any residential unit PA/10/01396 - Approval of details comments submitted by deadline 5th August 2010
Planning Conditions - OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION 2 - as per permitted plans - Unlawful developments have taken place on Open Space 3 and 4. Telford Homes have been ordered to remedy. OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION 7: Scheme of Water and Sewerage Infrastructure - to be submitted within 6 months of the commencement of development or prior to the first occupation of any unit, whichever is the sooner OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION 8 - Refuse and recycling: Required prior to commencement of development (with exception of site preparation works and the digging of foundations). (Sites 1, 2a, 2b, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15) OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION 9 - Commercial / Community Cycle Parking. Required prior to commencement of development (with exception of site preparation works and the digging of foundations) on any of the proposed sites for commercial/community development. OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION - 10a - New Build Material. Required prior to commencement of development on each new development site (Sites 1, 2a, 2b, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15) OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION 10b - Refurbishment Materials Required prior to commencement of refurbishment works on any of the existing buildings. OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION 11 - Scheme of Landscaping - A landscaping strategy and management plan to be submitted and approved in writing prior to the first occupation of any residential unit. (Note: Breached re Open Space Sites 2, 3 and 4) OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION 11 - Landscaping Strategy & Management Plan - to be submitted prior to the first occupation of any new residential unit. No more than 169 of the approved new dwellings shall be occupied until hard and soft landscaping has been completed in accordance with the approved scheme. OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION 12 - Sound Insulation - Scheme for sound insulation for residential units facing the road required prior to commencement of development on sites facing Burdett Road, Southern Grove and Treby Street. (Sites 1, 7, 8 and 11) OUTSTANDING
- CONDITION 24 - Natural Light re sites 2a, 2b and 15 Prior to the commencement of development, details of windows serving habitable rooms located behind balcony walkways need to be approved by Planning OUTSTANDING
Major Updates - whole site
- Update on the Eric & Treby Estate Redevelopment
- Two Formal Investigations: Planning Enforcement / Health & Safety
- BREACH of Planning Permission by Telford Homes plc
- BREACH of Condition 5 Construction Management Plan
- Do you want to comment on details of the Redevelopment?
- Consultation and BBQ on contaminated garden
- Eric & Treby Estate: Site Contamination
- Danger at Recipe Tree Garden - keep out!
- Site 14: Site contamination and remediation - our comments
- Waste Management and Refuse Collection at Ennerdale House
- Ennerdale Rufuse Mess due to Telford Homes & EastendHomes
- Construction Management Plan - REFUSED
- WHY the Eric & Treby Construction Management Plan was refused
- BREACH of Planning Permission by Telford Homes plc
- BREACH of Condition 5 Construction Management Plan
- Who's looking after your children's safety?
- Demolition starts - and so do breaches of controls
- Trucks reversing without a banksman
- Update on Eric & Treby Construction Traffic
- Eric & Treby Site Traffic "out of control"
- Eric & Treby Estate: Site Contamination
- This construction site is UNSAFE!
- Quality control by Telford Homes Banksmen? NOT!!!
- Telford Homes's Traffic Access Plan for Mile End
- Access to Site 10 (Brokesley Street)
- Trucks reversing without a banksman
- WHY the Eric & Treby Construction Management Plan was refused
- Update on Eric & Treby Construction Traffic
- Eric & Treby Site Traffic "out of control"
- MERA is now watching Site 12 in English Street (re site hoarding/pedestrian pathways providing disabled access)
- Highways #1: Vehicles with no parking permit (re Eric Street - Site 14)
- Highways #2: This parking bay is NOT suspended (Re English Street - Site 14)
- Who's looking after your children's safety?
- Telford Homes need to think again about traffic management
Site Specific
Site 10
Site 12 (English Street)
Site 14
Open Space 2
- A Petition from Coniston House residents
- Investigation of loss of green open space at Coniston House
- Coniston House - an UPDATE
Condition 25 - Site Ecology and Soft Landscaping
- British Street: Children must not play on this site
- Consultation and BBQ on contaminated garden
- Eric & Treby Estate: Site Contamination
- Danger at Recipe Tree Garden - keep out!
- EastendHomes estates - revised planning application now online
- How to object to the Revised Planning Applications
- What will the planned development actually look like?
- How to contact members of the Strategic Development Committee
- The Council decides the future for our homes tonight!
Funding: Leaside Regeneration
- Telford Homes plc - Awarded ‘Homebuilder of the Year 2009’ at the Mail on Sunday British Home Awards. Maybe we need to write to the Daily Mail?
- Telford Homes - Investor Relations
- Property Week - comment on Telford Homes share issue
- London Borough of Tower Hamlets - Planning | Conservation | Building Control | Roads, Highways & Pavements | Licences | Recycling and Waste | Environmental Health
- Health & Safety Executive
- European & UK Procurement Regulations
- Southern Grove Lodge and Wilfred Reeve Centre Draft Planning Brief 2003 PDF]
- Southern Grove Site Survey - The Council responds....
The Planning Brief has been approved by the Council - without any consultation with the local community - and provides guidance upon which potential purchasers can base their planning application.
Drivers Jonas negotiated a sale of the site to English Partnerships in 2008.
- Representations on St Clements Hospital Draft Planning Brief [PDF April 2005 - there was NO CONSULTATION with neighbours of the site]
- St Clements Hospital site planning brief (PDF 377kb)[PDF May 2005]
- Drivers Jonas Deloitte - advisers to the NHS Trust. Instructed in November 2003 to review the development potential of St Clements Hospital at Mile End in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, and to secure an appropriate planning framework to enable the disposal of the site.on planning matters
- London Citizens - Proposed Community Land Trust for St. Clements
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