Tuesday, 20 July 2010

BREACH of Condition 5 Construction Management Plan

Last week, Planning Enforcement stressed to Telford Homes plc the utmost importance of getting a Construction Management Plan approved for the development on the Eric & Treby Estate as soon as possible.

Planning also closed two of the sites because of unlawful development in advance of the satisfaction of the Council's pre-commencement planning conditions for the Estate redevelopment

In order to avoid hazard and obstruction being caused to users of the public highway and in the interest of public safety and amenity, PRIOR to commencement of development, Tower Hamlets Council requires all developers to produce a Construction Management Plan

This must be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  It is subject to consultation with local residents.  Mile End Residents Association will always comment on it and encourages other residents to do so as well.

Original Construction Management Plan - REFUSED

The original Construction Management Plan was REFUSED on 8th June 2010.
Revised Construction Management Plan - OUTSTANDING

We have been advised that....
The Construction Management Plan will have to be resubmitted, and will be subject to a further round of consultation.
Planning Case Officer 12th July 2010
Even if the a revised Construction Management Plan were to be submitted today, it will take at least four weeks before a Construction Management Plan can be approved.

The delay has been caused by the developer (1) submitting inadequate documentation and (2) being slow to submit revised documentation which meets the standards required ie to to avoid hazard and obstruction being caused to users of the public highway and in the interest of public safety and amenity

In the meantime, MERA Committee members have witnessed and this blog has documented:
  • Hazards to safety of people using streets and pavements
  • Obstructions of streets and pavements
Consequently we invited the Head of Development Control to give consideration to closing the site down until such time as a Construction Management Plan could be approved.  He responded by ordering an investigation by the Enforcement Team.

Construction Management Plan - ENFORCEMENT

The developer has been ordered to STOP WORK on Site 14 (corner of Eric and Ropery Street).  Work cannot recommence until such time as the Construction Management Plan has been approved.

The letter dated 16th July 2010 from Planning Enforcement states
The developers have been reminded of the utmost importance of getting this condition approved as soon as possible since this plan is vital to the effective management of the site, public safety and the smooth operation of the surrounding road network. 
The developer is entitled to carry out some site preparation works as these do not constitute development. However, I am aware that on site 14 work has started on foundations and as such the developers have been advised to cease works until this condition has been formally discharged.

Site 14 (Eric/Ropery Street) has been closed down by Enforcement
until such time as the Construction Management Plan has been approved

What MERA Thinks

The current situation is UNACCEPTABLE from the perspective of public safety and amenity.

The Schools are about to break up for the summer holidays which means large numbers of children will be playing around the Estate. (see Who's looking after your children's safety?)

In the meantime:
  • This site does NOT have an approved Construction Management Plan
  • Approved Traffic Access & Management Plan for each numbered construction site and each numbered open space site do NOT exist
  • The Developers have no plan for closing down parts of our streets and pavements- but carry on as if they can do what they like without any communication whatsoever with local residents
  • The Developers have erected hoardings which have closed down pavements without the appropriate licence on display or any notices whatsoever about who is responsible for the site or the hoarding
Site 14, Eric Street
A Construction Notice that the footpath is closed is unsufficient to close a footpath.
The Notice from the Council which has closed the footpath MUST also be displayed.
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