Wednesday 4 May 2011

Return of dangerous vehicle manoeuvres by Telford Homes

Today we will be writing, yet again, to the Enforcement section of Tower Hamlets Planning Department - because, yet again, we are seeing very poor driving behaviour by the drivers of construction vehicles on the roads of the Eric & Treby Estate.

In the past we have had cause to highlight numerous offences by the drivers employed by the Telford Homes contractors.  There is a Traffic Access Plan and a Construction Management Plan which govern what should happen on in terms of how vehicles move around the Estate.  When this is ignored by drivers we will report offences.

U turn by a yellow construction vehicle in Hamlets Way

A member of our residents association yesterday rang us to report having seen a very large and very yellow construction vehicle (which has been working on the various constructions sites) doing a speedy U turn at the junction of Hamlets Way and Eric Street just before 4pm when the children are coming home from school.  There was no banksman in sight.

This is NOT permitted as part of the Traffic Access Plan.  It's a risky manoeuvre for an ordinary car at that time of day never mind a vehicle which is three times the size of a car.

It's time to get the cameras out again.  Next time we will be reporting the vehicle and its registration plate to the Police for dangerous driving.

If you see a construction vehicle doing something dangerous, get the registration plate details, take a photo and telephone us on 07932 626340 with details of what you saw.  We will then report it to the Planning Department, the Police and the Considerate Contractor Scheme as appropriate

Let's keep the roads safe for the children

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