Saturday 31 July 2010

Parking suspended in Brokesley Street 2nd - 10th August 2010

Suspended parking from here to the top of the Residents Parking Bay in Brokesley Street
About 60% of the residents' onstreet parking bay between 62 and 75 Brokesley Street is to be suspended between 2nd and 10th August according to three notices attached to lamp posts in the street.

  • Inadequate notice has been given for planned maintenance works
  • the notices are all in English and assume an ability to read English
  • This is the summer holidays and some of the cars in the street will belong to people who are away on holiday
  • Cars will be removed to the Car Pound if they are not moved by the owners.  The cost to retrieve the car even if done promptly is astronomical and if left there for a few days could mean the fine exceeds the value of the car for some families.
  • there is no information on the notice about what happens to cars which are towed.
Tower Hamlets completely FAILS to advise car owners of the cost of retrieval for the parking infringement and removal from the car pound and the cost for every extra day it is in the pound.

MERA is reporting this problem to:
  • Tower Hamlets Planning Department.  We wrote back in February asking that any works due to happen in the street in connection with the new development should be the subject of adequate notice to all those who park in the street.  MERA requested an extended period of notice (of at least 14 days notice) during the period when most people take their summer holidays.  This gives people the best chance possible of avoiding fines.
  • Tower Hamlets Parking Control - asking why residents' parking spaces are being suspended with no contact telephone number on the notice or information about how to retrieve cars which have been towed and how much this can cost.  We will also be asking for a copy of the order and why there is no explanation on the Tower Hamlets website of the fines which will be incurred by families whose cars are removed
  • the Ward Councillors - we'd like to see a Members' Enquiry as to why families could be impoverished due to a failure of public agencies to think about the impact on family finances.  Failing to give adequate notice discriminates against the poorer members of the community.

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