Friday, 14 January 2011

MERA gets noisy/dusty demolition stopped

Yesterday Mark Taylor, Chair of MERA contacted Tower Hamlets Environmental Health in connection with the very noisy and dusty demolition of the Walkway (Site 2b) next to Windermere House by Telford Homes's demolition contractor.

As a result the demolition site was yesterday shut down by Environmental Health.

Yet again the appalling standard of project managment by Telford Homes of this development - which ignores planning conditions and their own plans - has overstepped the mark - but our Mark is "on their case"!

This is what happened.  This is the content of the email which Mark sent yesterday
Demolition has started on the footpath/bridge at site 2B and is presently producing an excessive amount of dust which is being carried down the length of the bridge across our estate.
This work is ongoing at the moment - See video here taken at 13.00 on Thursday

The dust is rising up to the top floor walkway of the adjacent Windemere House where I know for sure (a resident with a serious medical condition lives). I spoke to his daughter today and she tells me that they received no warning from the developer this work was due to commence today.
This work is having an adverse impact on the air quality of the site and those living close by.  The planning conditions require the use of a hose/spray to damp down materials. There is a man with a low pressure hose vaguely pointing a hose in the general direction but as you will see from the video but this is clearly ineffective.
We look forward to a prompt response to this obvious disregard to the health and safety of local residents living on our estate as the developers clearly find it hard to grasp the fact that people live here and with just a little thought the regeneration/development process could be conducted with acceptable regard to residents health and safety.
This email is being copied to:-
  • Richard Murrell (LBTH Planning case officer).
  • Edward Hardy at the Considerate Contractor Scheme.
  • Mile End East ward councillors who are members of EastendHomes Board
  • Paul Hems at the HSE
  • Bernie Cameron (Chair Mile End Estate Board)
  • Andrew Osborne (EEH Project Manager)
This is the email which Mark and MERA received today.  We calculate that's two hours from video to shut down on site.
Dear Mark,
Following you email yesterday, I attended site 2B and stopped all works on site at about 15:00. I agreed with the contractor that no works should take place till the got more suppression mechanism on site. I believe that they have increased water suppression on site today..........
This is the demolition contractor who has committed numerous infringements of planning conditions in relation to health and safety - one of which has the potential to result in a criminal prosecution.......

We will be following up the behaviour of Telford Homes and their disregard for the health and safety of residents with both the Health and Safety Executive and the Considerate Contractor Scheme.

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